RateShop Reports Save You Money!
If you have a person in-house earning $50,000 per year with typical benefits and overhead spending two hours per week updating ten competitors, the total cost is around $4,160 per year to update the report. Real-time RateShop Reports cost $99 per month for ten competitors. This means you save $2,972 per year by outsourcing to RateShop.
Base salary | $ 50,000 |
Taxes and benefits - 30% | 15,000 |
Overhead - 30% | 15,000 |
Total cost | $ 80,000 |
Work hours per year | 2,000 |
Hourly cost | $ 40 |
Hours per report |
2.0 |
Cost per report | $ 80 |
Weeks per year | 52 |
In-house annual cost | $ 4,160 |
RateShop cost per month | $ 99 |
Months per year | $ 12 |
RateShop annual cost | $ 1,188 |
Total annual savings by outsourcing to RateShop | $2,972 |